(Well, sort of free, the state reimburses you...)

The State of Florida invests in your marriage.
Your marital success means that there are fewer divorces and happier residents! Research indicates that the chances of divorce decline with the completion of a premarital course. This has led lawmakers to offer couples the opportunity to receive a discount on their marriage license if they attend an approved premarital course. The state of Florida discounts the cost of a marriage license if you take a marriage prep course -- this means that you can have access to a free online premarital course for you and your fiancee.
How to Get Your Free Online Premarital Course:
When you go to the clerk of court to apply for a Florida marriage license, you will get a discount of $25 on the cost of your marriage license by attending an approved premarital course. This means that you are essentially getting free online premarital counseling! All you need to do is provide the certificate of completion when you arrive at the clerk's office. Since our course is only $24.99, the state discount you receive at the clerk's office covers the price you pay for the class!
What is the free Premarital Course like?
Our online premarital counseling course is fun and thought-provoking. We have incorporated fun videos, activities and tips that will teach you new things about your partner and strengthen the foundation of your relationship. With over 21 chapters, our course covers a variety of helpful topics that will push your marriage towards success.